Creates a new document. Each document contains information on which folders are the source and destination folders, what items to exclude from the synchronization, and other information selected from the Special menu.
Opens an existing SwitchBack document. All this information was previously specified by the user and saved using the Save or Save As… commands detailed below.
This will close the document, asking you if you want to save any changes first.
Choosing this item saves the changes you have made to the document on to disk. If the document has not previously been saved you will be asked to name the file first. This item will be disabled if no changes have been made to the document.
Save As…
Allows you to save the file to disk under a new name.
This displays a small dialog with seven options:
Sound — if checked, a sound will play when the synchronization has completed, provided the process took longer than 30 seconds.
Unmount Automatically Mounted Volumes — when checked, any required volumes that are not mounted when the synchronization starts will be unmounted when the synchronization is complete.
Log errors to Report Window — when checked, errors are not reported as they occur, but are listed in a report window after the synchronization has completed. In this way any errors will not halt an unattended synchronization.
Activity Log — when checked, SwitchBack keeps a file called “SwitchBack Activity Log” in the Preferences folder of the System folder. This file documents what has been done with the most recent synchronizations. This can be a useful way of checking that your SwitchBack document is doing the right thing. The top of this file gets truncated when it reaches 50 K.
Check Server Time — when checked, the server and local machine times will be compared. See the Technical Notes section for reasons why this is important. You should only uncheck this item if SwitchBack is erroneously reporting a server time discrepancy, for example if an external filing system is not fully AppleShare compatible. It is recommended that this item be checked.
Move Deleted Files To Trash — when checked, any file that is to be replaced or deleted will be moved to the Trash. This provides an extra level of protection in case a file is inadvertently overwritten, for example, if its modification date has been incorrectly set. Note that if you are storing old copies of files in this manner the disk may rapidly run out of room. In that case you will have to empty the trash before performing a further synchronization.
After Auto-Start — this pop-up menu allows you to specify behaviour following opening and executing a document that is set to start automatically. Do Nothing will leave SwitchBack running as the frontmost application. Bring Finder To Front will leave SwitchBack running, but force the Finder to the front. Quit forces SwitchBack to quit following completion of the synchronization.
Selecting this option allows you to quit SwitchBack. If you have an unsaved document currently open, you will be asked whether you want to save it first.